Friday, January 20, 2012

Ashland AHC Screening - The Moment of Truth

Welp folks, last night was the "Biggest Loser" screening. Wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew I'd have an interview and have to weigh in. My weight? Yikes! The biggest I've ever been. Caitlyn, one of my biffles (best friend haha), had the same result. We both had let ourselves become lazy and large. Another biffle, Emma, was not quite as plump (lucky).  We then moved into another room where Michael, who will be our trainer if selected, gave us a rundown of the program. It's going to be intense, to say the least. As Caitlyn and I sat there we became more and more excited of the possibilities. We could be the epitome of health! Not only that, but the program ends right before summer and I wouldn't mind having a bod like Jillian Michaels. Next we had the one on one interviews where Caitlyn and I both stated that we'd happily gouge each others eyes out to win. We're rather competitive. :) Did you know that you can survive off of only green peppers?? Thank you Scott Landers for that info! I think the interview went well, but I'll have to wait and see if I'm chosen. There were over 40 candidates there! It was kind of eye opening. Our area really does have health issues from being over weight. Thankfully we having caring people like everyone at AHC who want to help. The group of people who work there are warm, kind, and motivating. Losing weight and dieting can be a bumpy road, but AHC is really committed to lighting a fire under our rather large rears and helping us succeed!  

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